all files / pnr-common/lib/node/logging/ winston-fluent.js

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100% Functions 4/4
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 * winston-fluent.js: Transport for outputting logs to td-agent
 * (C) 2013 Hironori Takahashi
'use strict';
var util         = require('util');
var fluentLogger = require('fluent-logger');
var winston      = require('winston');
// ### function clone (obj)
// #### @obj {Object} Object to clone.
// Helper method for deep cloning pure JSON objects
// i.e. JSON objects that are either literals or objects (no Arrays, etc)
function clone (obj) {
   // we only need to clone refrence types (Object)
   Iif (!(obj instanceof Object)) {
      return obj;
   } else Iif (obj instanceof Date) {
      return obj;
   var copy = {};
   for (var i in obj) {
      if (Array.isArray(obj[i])) {
         copy[i] = obj[i].slice(0);
      else Iif (obj[i] instanceof Buffer) {
         copy[i] = obj[i].slice(0);
      else Eif (typeof obj[i] !== 'function' && obj[i] !== obj) {
         copy[i] = obj[i] instanceof Object ? clone(obj[i]) : obj[i];
   return copy;
// ### function fluent (options)
// #### @options {Object} Options for this instance.
// Constructor function for the fluent transport
// options.formatter {function} is an optional winston style log formatter
//   callback. It differs from normal winston formatter callbacks in that
//   it may return and {Object} as opposed to the {string} normally provided
//   by winston formatters.
var Fluent = exports.Fluent = function (options) {
   options = options || {};
   Iif (!options.tag){
      throw 'winston-fluent requires "tag" property';
   Iif (!options.label){
      throw 'winston-fluent requires "label" property';
   // Set transport name = 'fluent';
   // Merge the options for the target Fluent server.
   this.tag     = options.tag;
   this.label   = options.label;
   this.options = options.options;
   this.formatter = options.formatter;
   this.fluentSender = fluentLogger.createFluentSender(this.tag, this.options);
// Inherit from `winston.Transport`.
util.inherits(Fluent, winston.Transport);
// Define a getter so that `winston.transports.Fluent`
// is available and thus backwards compatible.
winston.transports.Fluent = Fluent;
// ### function log (level, msg, [meta], callback)
// #### @level {string} Level at which to log the message.
// #### @msg {string} Message to log
// #### @meta {Object} **Optional** Additional metadata to attach
// #### @callback {function} Continuation to respond to when complete.
// Core logging method exposed to Winston. Metadata is optional.
Fluent.prototype.log = function (level, msg, meta, callback) {
   var self = this;
   var data;
   Iif (typeof meta !== 'object' && meta !== null) {
      meta = { meta: meta };
   Eif (typeof this.formatter !== 'function') {
      data = clone(meta) || {};
      data.level = level;
      Iif (msg && msg !== 'null') {
         data.message = msg;
   else {
      data = this.formatter(clone({
         level: level,
         message: msg,
         meta: meta
   Eif (data) {
      this.fluentSender.emit(this.label, data, function(err) {
         Iif (err) {
            return self.emit('error', err);
         Eif (self.fluentSender._sendQueue.length === 0) {
            return self.emit('logged');
   callback(null, true);