all files / pnr-common/lib/node/logging/ syslog-logger.js

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'use strict';
const winston = require( 'winston' );
require('local_winston-syslog').Syslog; //jshint ignore: line
winston.setLevels(winston.config.syslog.levels );
exports.syslogTransport = (config, custom) =>
   new winston.transports.Syslog( Object.assign({
      host: config.networking.syslog_host,
      port: config.networking.syslog_port,
      //need to add the 4 for the protocol to match what winston is expecting
      protocol: config.networking.syslog_protocol === 'tcp' ? 'tcp4':
                config.networking.syslog_protocol === 'udp' ? 'udp4':
      eol: '\n',
      localhost: '', //set this so it does not print 'localhost' in log output
      appName: 'MSIP',
      facility: 'local0',
      pid: '0', //do not want to output process id in customer logs
      level: 'info',
      colorize: false,
      timestamp: false,
      showLevel: false,
      handleExceptions: true
   }, custom));
exports.syslog = (config, custom) => new( winston.Logger )( {
         transports: [
            exports.syslogTransport(config, custom)
         exitOnError: false
} );