all files / pnr-common/lib/node/logging/ fluent-logger.js

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'use strict';
const winston = require( 'winston' );
require(__dirname + '/winston-fluent').Fluent; //jshint ignore: line
// remember to specify tag: and label: in custom
exports.fluentTransport = (config, custom) =>
   new winston.transports.Fluent(Object.assign({
      options: {
         port: parseInt(config.fluentd.port, 10),
         timeout: parseInt(config.fluentd.socket_timeout_ms, 10),
         reconnectInterval: parseInt(config.fluentd.reconnect_interval_ms, 10)
   }, custom));
exports.fluent = (config, custom) => new (winston.Logger)({
   transports: [exports.fluentTransport(config, custom)],
   exitOnError: false